Monday, January 31, 2011

keh keh

day otuzbir eksi on.
hesap sonucu kadar gundur facebookum yok. oh yeah.

bi onceki postta yazdigim yeni puzzle eski oldu. ondan da yenisi var artik. bir capon hatunu. dunya guzeli, huyu da guzel, kendi de guzel, muniiiiiis, tatliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, beni de cok seviyoooo... ay pardon karistirdim. :P

evet, capon kiz, boya moya amma peh guzel muniiis tatliiiii, ay gene hatlar karisiyo...

bitirince kesin cerceveletip duvarima ascam. kesinkes.

2 gune biter o da :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


yeni puzzle a basladim! HOLLEY !

PS:baslik bulmakta zorlaniyorum

Monday, January 24, 2011


Puzzle im bitti

Malcolm in the Middle in sonlarina geldik

Kah gulduk, kah eglendik :)

Day 14 oldu cok sukur

Tv'de evlendirme programlari (lame), soap operalar (sikici), ne olacak bu Turkiye'nin hali tartismalari (sinir bozucu), sacma sapan filmler (gereksiz)

Artik yeni bir amacim var:

Sima'ya LIKE larla oy kazandirmak

Sunday, January 23, 2011

sarimsaklasak da mi saklasak

day 13.

3-4 yil once basladigim gotik kiz puzzleimi 1 gunde bitirdim.

bakiniz yandaki foto.

daha ne olsun :)

bir de uzun zamandir pek konusamadigim arkadaslarimla konusuyorum. keeping in touch.

guzel bir sey :D

ogrendim ki 2 arkadasimin da bebegi olacakmis.

mutluyum lan!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Deo Factus Est

october 25 te yazdigim gibi: Facebook u seviyor muyum? HAAAYIIIIRRR.

neredeyse day 12 olacak.

hala facebook suzum. o kadar da kotu gitmiyor. acil birsey gerektiginde cevremdeki insanlari seferber edebiliyorum.

nedir acil seyler? mekan/olay bilgileri, eski arkadasin ulasilir adres ve bilgileri, gibi seyler.

dolayisiyla simdiye kadar tek sinir bozucu durum, cok eski arkadasimin bende ne maili ne msni ne de skype i olmasi idi. nitekim, sima nin facebook undan kiza ozel mesaj attirdim.

hadi bakalim.

Anti-Facebook eylemlerim surecek.

sinavlarimin bitmesiyle dustugum boslugu, babaevi'nde 3 sene once baslayip bitirmedigim puzzle imi bitirmeye calisarak dolduruyorum. :)

yeah baby!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


5 DAYS NO FACEBOOK, since 10th of January.

WOW, right? :)

What have I been doing without FB so far?

well, I did :

meet couple of friends
do some more MA research
attend a nice conference about LGBTT issues
watch more Malcolm in the Middle
answer the same old questions why I dropped out of FB
do research for a possible job opportunity I recently got

and I will :

study for the exam
write an academic paper as homework
watch some more Malcolm in the Middle ( because its so much fun)
work on my MA applications and Job thing
go to another Youth project's meeting
meet some more friends

THUS, appearently not having FB is not so bad, so far ! :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Facebook

Yes. I've decided to deactivate my Facebook account, couple of days ago.
I was coming back home, on the bus, then it just hit me. Ok, I always wanted to get rid of Facebook but somehow, I couldn't do it. I guess I didn't have the guts :) Then I said to myself: That's it, I'm doin it. Here I go.

Now, the question is: What do I do instead of "watching" Facebook constantly?

a short summary:

Day 1

Looking for Master Programs for my academic future.
Watching "Malcolm in the Middle". A LOT.
More academic search.
Thinking about studying for the exam.
More "Malcolm in the Middle".

No Regret!

Day 2

Even more adacemic worries -oops, I mean search :P
Change of serie: "Clarissa".
Thinking about studying.
More "Clarissa".
Getting to study, finally.
Taking the exam.
More "Malcolm in the Middle" at night.
Some more thinkings about studying for the next exam.

No regret.

Day 3

Really studying for the exam.
Taking the exam.
More seach for academic future.
Some applications.
Organizing my room after 5 months.
Hanging some photos on the walls.
Getting busy with everything.


Why am I writing in English?
Donno, I feel like doing so.

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