Sunday, May 6, 2012


what do MEN want?! 
seriously, we, as by "we" I mean my girl friends and me, we have absolutely no clue what the fuck men want. To be honest, they dont even want "fuck" part, that we are now really sure... that is so god damn weird, because while you do all these things to reach out, and give all the hints, they seem like they have no idea about what is going on.... interesting. 

too much smoke, too much technology maybe finally killed men's brain ... all the alive grey cells, dont exist anymore as far as i can see. 

maybe thats pornography's fault... too reachable, that they dont want real girls anymore, may seem too demanding dealing with girls, so they just prefer "handling" themselves, not girls. 

not so fair. 

i am really pissed off right now. 

do we really have to shout that out loud "let's do it?" 

some dignity and GREY CELLS please.... 

1 comment:

Katya R said...

Sometimes shouting is what it takes.

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