Friday, June 22, 2012

My savior

Sevgili teknoloji, yok yok, sevgili cep telefonum. Sen olmasaydın ben buralarda uc gün ne yapardım hiç bilmiyorum. You made my days here. I owe you all my joy and happiness.

You connected me to the world, to my friends, family, to whom I love the most, with you I could take photos, shitty, but it's something. I even tried to watch tv. It didn't work. But it's not you, it's the bad internet connection.

Whenever I was sad or bored, you saved me and my state of mind, thank you so much. Otherwise probably I would go crazy.

The only bad part of you is that your battery is so lousy, incredible that sometimes you don't even last 1day... Don't know if we can work it out somehow.

Over all, I really owe you a big one my baby mobile...
Love ya.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cadaques izlenimleri

Costa Brava'nin cok begenilen tatil beldelerinden biri bu Cadaques köyü. Öyle bir köy. olaylarından biri, Salvador Dali'nin burada yaşamış olması. En azından evi var, ana meydanda kocaman heykeli var, gözlerini açmış bıyıkları dik dik falan.

Civarda tek tük başka köyler de var sanırım, çok da ilgimi çektiğini söyleyemem.. Neyse. Ana köy merkezi şeker aslında, evler beyaz beyaz, dar sokaklar, çiçekler mor salkım söğütler, bazı evlerin cam pencereleri maviye boyanmış, kısaca bana bizim memleketin yazlık köylerini anımsattı, Bodrum falan. Kilisesi var tepede, arada çanlar çalıyor...
Göt kadar plajları var ki plaj da denemez pek.değişik koy falan görmek için araç lazım, yollar biraz uzunca... Ben kendi kıyı sahillerimizi özledim ya, nerde cunda, mordoğan, ya da bir altınkum, ılıca... Fethiye, demre falan...
Neyse. Itin götündeki evimizden elle tutulur bir plajda yürümek dağ bayır a aşarak bi 15dk alıyor. Bu süre zarfında edindiğim amele yanıkları ise bir bonus adeta... güneş kremine rağmen.

Plaj diye geldigim yer de bir 100 metrekare alan. Taşlı çakıllı, denize yürümek bir çin işkencesi. Deniz o kadar sığ ki, bir yerden sonra sıkıcı bir hal alıyor. Latin arkadaşların deniz sıcaklığı standartına göre şu çok soğuk, adamların kış mevsimi yok tabi, deniz hep ılık, akdeniz onlara ölüm soğuğu geldi.hiç datça ya gitmemisler ki çivi soğuğu nasıl bir duygu, ayak sokamamak nedir, bilmezler. Kısaca deniz haziran ayına göre gayet iyi.

Plajlar nerdeyse safi topless. Kızlar vallahi bikini üstü tanımıyor. Burası böyle, barselona da da böylelermiş, hatta çeşit çeşit meme tipi görmek mümkünmüş. Ben henüz tecrübe etmedim. yaşlı genç, çoğu kadın gayet rahat, erkekler hatta erkek arkadaşlar daha da rahat.
Ben de işte güneş kremi eksikliğinden bir ağaç gölgesine yattım, çevreme bakınıyorum, kızlar bir küsur saat uzaklıktaki ebesinin nikahına yürüdüler, başkasının da sevgilisi geldi, takılıyo, ben de burda tek başıma blog yazıyorum...

Monday, June 18, 2012

oops I did it !

I am not a nerd. or an IT geek... but since I reconnected on FB (yes i did it), I've been disconnecting, deleting, erasing, blocking any kind of information about me from all over the page, like a paranoid nerds (that I know many) :D 

I'm loving it. 

so far I finally found how to close the tagged photos!! 

I have nothing, almost nothing in my profile, besides some photos I took...


Thursday, June 14, 2012

this is not a poem

hey you, barman!

I like you. 
I mean, I find you very cute. 
like a puppy cute.
maybe you are a bit short. 
and a bit skinny.
definitely not the type I usually fantasize about.
even with your little glasses
I am attracted to you.

I look into your eyes. 
I try to catch your eyes as well.
and talk to you, in my very own way.
and make you talk to me too. 
in fact, you do. 
sometimes you even smile. 
well, I must confess that I like making you smile. 
a lot.
then I smile a lot too.
I can't help it.

when I pay you, everything ends.
then I hope that you to make the move to talk to me again.
I wait.
but you don't.
maybe because usually you're busy. 
could be.
or maybe not. 
maybe it's just you don't like me. 
or maybe you are just shy, just like me.
I don't know.
how will I know?! 

maybe I like you because you don't make any move.
maybe if you make some stupid one, it will be all over.
maybe I won't like you anymore.
maybe I won't want you to talk to me.
or look at me. 
maybe I won't even want to go to that bar again.
or maybe not.

how will I know?
how can I know?

I'll ask you out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Insomnia aq

Saat 5.30 ve ben ayaktayım. Bir gram uyku uyuyamıyorum lanet.

Her dalma girişimimde evde dışarda gerçekten veya gaipten gelen her sesle irkilerek uyanıyorum. Korkunç bir şey.

Geçtiğimiz günlerde ev arkadaşım camda bir adam gördüğünden beridir geceleri bir başka diken üstündeyiz yemin ediyorum. Camda derken, yan apartmanın çatısında demek istiyorum. Biz 6.kattayız ve zaten bir kere çatıdan gelen birileri tarafından soyulduk. Kısacası, gece 3.30 da bir ses ve akabinde yan çatıda bir adam vuku bulunca insanın götü atıyor.

Ben normalde gayet mışıl mışıl uyurum da bu gece ne oldu bilemedim. Allah baba kimseyi insomnia ile terbiye etmesin mazallah. Uyuyamadigin gibi bir de üstüne her kipirtida kıllanınca, böyle rezalet bir gece geçiriyor işte insan....

Neler oluyor yahu?!
pis uyku, come back :(


As I promised to myself, from now on, well, from couple of hours ago, I am trabajo-free, totally free, dedicating myself to my -with my friend's exact words: noble goals

I have already changed the language of my blogger into català and activated my account on PARLA.CAT
I really wanna learn català although it is incredibly difficult for me (sad sad face). Hear me out, my dear catalan friends! Be proud! 

what was more on the list? dont remember, damn ! 

oh, I've been applying to jobs, any jobs, since the last month... nothing yet... you never know... 

what else? losing weight.......... haven't eaten much today, though it was not because of diet, but because of the homeworks and job applications on what i was completely focused.... 

more, more!!!! 

finally, I was thinking of re-activating my facebook account... after i could literally finish my homeworks... I did it, but I am still thinking about it, can't be sure, can't dare, i'm scared and also have the feeling of shame as if i am sneaking around behind people's back or commiting an adultry :P 

what would happen if i re-activate it? would i get drawn into it? or everything would be just like it is now... ARGH FUCK!!  .......... speaking of which..... lately I have a lot of urges to do it..... ARGHHH! 

anybody help me?! 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


While waiting for the professor who gave me an appointment and late for half an hour, it got me thinking....

My first boyfriend was practically an arrogant jerk. He cheated on me.
My second boyfriend was a psycho and sociopath. He threatened me to spread a gossip that I was lesbian because I didn't sleep with him.
My third boyfriend was schizophrenic. He lied to me about his whole life, and to his friends about me.
My fourth boyfriend was insane. He left me for a bitchy girl he was obsessed for 7 years.
My fifth boyfriend was a great kisser. And probably gay, never slept together.
My sixth boyfriend was a cutie. But chemically we didn't fit together.
My seventh boyfriend was a douchebag. He wanted to have a more "liberal" relationship by telling me that he was going to spend the whole weekend with another girl.
My eighth boyfriend was a total latino lover. But he didn't even bother to come to visit me in my country.
My nineth boyfriend never actually became my boyfriend. I fell for him, a big time...
My tenth boyfriend seemed perfect at first. Then he chose Barcelona's political fights over me.


With this beautiful profile of love history, I am not so sure if i should still have some faith in the fact that there is a perfect guy or relationship waiting for me, especially in this globalized world where everything is based on marketing and consuming including sex, and love and affection has no meaning at all... 

Should I go with the consumers' flow or wait for my prince charming? 

Monday, June 11, 2012

venga ya

casi 1 puto año llevo y todavía no tengo nada en mente. bueno ni he pensado muy profundamente en el tema..

pues es el momento:
- termina el último trabajo del master
- busca y encuentra (ojalá) un trabajo para el verano
- aprende catalán
- piensa, reflexiona, contempla, lo que sea, sobre el tema de la maldita tesina

ya, y adelgaza. 


Thursday, June 7, 2012


yes, i've changed my blog's design again. that would be my, like, 50th change... probably.
what can i say? i get bored very easilly. 

it all started when i left home to go to a job interview. which turned out to be a mass job application actually. anyway, thats not the subject. 

everything started when i was walking on the calle elizavet... decided to write a post about it. then after a while, i came home from a balkan music party (was not really a party, but anyway) then instead of writing, i started to redesign and reorganize my blog. 

and just now i realize that i write very dull in english... maybe that's the subject which is dull, or the hour, or the sleep i have.. 

or it's just me...

yet, i had so many things to write in mind.................
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